Henrik Andersson & Henrik Rylander

Collaborative: Kluster (10´´)

8 identical CD-players playing 8 identical CD records. Each CD consistsof 7 three seconds tracks with three tones C, D, E, F, G, A and H(untempered sinus waves). These records are played using "randomfunction" and develops, by chance, organ like chords. The artists writeon the work:

"When we learn how to play an instrument we use an almost mechanicalmethod for practice. The actual playing of music is not looked upon asreal without the human essence. If we teach a machine to, in the sameway that we learn how to play music, play a combination of tones that byus is considered to be music, isn´t the human being then just amachine?"

The relation between sound/art and the surrounding world is alsoproblematised. The piece"s ability to associate to organ music, i.e. acertain kind of religious spirituality in music, makes the viewer todwell by the question: what came first - the egg or the hen - religionor music? This exhibitions curator would clearly state that the piece isa clear evidence that the arts, with its omnipotent force, are fullyused, not only by commercialism and stereotyped behavior but also, sincea long time, by various religions churches and mosques.

Rylander: "Information II"
Andersson: "Gym Form Plus".

Henrik Andersson is educated at the College for Film and Photography inGothenburg, Sweden and at Konstfack, Sweden. He has earlier shown workArtnode, the Modern Museum and Konstfack in Stockholm. He´s alsoparticipating in the Konstfack Curator course.

Henrik Rylander is educated at the College for Film and Photography inGothenburg. He has earlier shown work at Galleri 54, Göteborg,Konstakuten, Stockholm and Hasselblad Center, Göteborg. Rylander alsohas a past as a drummer with the infamous rock band Union carbideProductions.

This release is a collaboration with Färgfabriken, Stockholm inconjunction with the exhibition:
Henrik Andersson & Henrik Rylander, January 19 - February 10 2002Curator for the exhibition at Färgfabriken (www.fargfabriken.se): CarlMichael von Hausswolff

FER 1033 [p]&[c] H.Andersson, H.Rylander Stockholm 2001. BIEM/n©b