The Codfish Suit

Leif Elggren - Thomas Liljenberg

The Codfish Suit

All material on this CD was performed and recorded live May 10, 1996, at Garden Hotel, Malmö, Sweden. Whole Wide World was performed over telephone from Malmö to Stockholm in connection with the opening of the exhibition (EN)DURANCE, Kulturhuset, Stockholm. Lyrics from the book Experiment with Dreams by Leif Elggren and Thomas Liljenberg

Sound clip.

Whole Wide World:
1. Vegetable Kingdom
2. Double Heart
3. Odour
4. Smoked Sclimps
5. San Quentin
6. Fantasy of Margreth
7. O J Simpson
8. Kick-a-King
9. Opera
10. Ordinary Living Room
11. Supreme Court
12. To All Woman In The World
13. Ebola
14. Dog Want Job
15. Freddies Friend
The Codfish Suit:
16. Miss Maddex
17. Dik The Trik
18. Codfish Factory
19. Royal Castle
20. Mr. Eastwood
21. Shithouse In Essen
22. Gautrimok
23. Caroline
24. Brand New Ideas
25. To All Artists
26. Nose Workers
27. Shell
28. Music Tapes
29. Spezial Price
30. Fertilization
31. Inside Man
32. FBI
33. Hans Titmeyer
34. Swedish Dreamer
35. Dalai Lama
36. After Work